

Friday, July 13, 2012

Toy Shopping

For his birthday, Derek got a card from his Aunt Meghan and Uncle Tim with money inside. Derek was SOOO excited to go to the toy store and pick something out. His excited waned a little when he walked inside and got overwhelmed with all the aisles and what to chose. He is an extremely thorough child so every aisle had to be walked down and he had to look at all the toys. (side note: I knew this was not going to be a quick trip, Chris didn't realize this till about halfway through) The first toy that he asked for was this train table. Ha! No son not in the budget. So he moved on the trains. This is where we expected him to pick something but he surprised us and didn't.

We looked at the trucks that were too big and the Hot Wheels that were too small and the musical instruments that were too loud.

And he finally settled on Cars2 golf clubs and a bubble blower and as soon as he smiled for the picture he dug into the packages.

Thanks Uncle Tim and Aunt Meghan!

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