First, preheat oven according to cake mix instructions. Make batter according to package directions.
Fill cupcake pans with liners. Be prepared as this recipe makes approximately 60 regular cupcakes. I chose to mix and match sizes and use my extra large cupcake pans so it didn't make quite that many.
Bake for 10-12 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
Completely cool cupcakes before proceeding. Then, add softened ice cream up to the top of the cupcake liner. Stick in the freezer for the ice cream to firm up.
Make the icing while the cupcakes are firming up. I used 2-8oz. containers of cool whip and 1-8oz. package of cream cheese. If you want a firmer icing, I would suggest an even split of cool whip and cream cheese.
Pipe the icing onto the cupcakes and decorate. Work quickly as the ice cream can melt quickly.
Then eat and enjoy!

Megan you are so sweet to share your great recipes. There are a lot of people who would not. I have always thought an honor and a compliment when someone ask me to share a recipe. Love you Grams