Another edition of funny things that Derek says....
"Mommy, wake up your eyes!"
"These snakes (long spaghetti noodles) are yummy! They my buddies."
Me: "Pigtails."
Derek: "Is she a pig and going to say oink oink now?"
Derek is fascinated with peeing outside. We were on our way to a restaurant and he says the dreaded words. "Mommy, I have to pee NOW!" Well, we couldn't stop right then so I told him the first thing that popped into my mind. "You are going to have to hold it, Derek" He took me VERY literally. He also proceeded to ask me the entire two VERY long minutes to the restaurant. "Mommy, can I pee in that grass?" "Mommy, can I pee on that bush?" to EVERY piece of greenery, tree, median with grass, or shrub that he could see. Ahh...boys. :)

Haha, so cute!