When we found out LegoFest was coming to Richmond and knew Derek would love it. The closer it got, the more we found out what we going to be there and how excited Derek really was. It was well worth the ticket price but Derek won't appreciate it fully for a few more years. We left Brooke with Mimi because we were concerned she would get bored or frustrated because she couldn't fully participate in the various booths.
In the "Construction Zone" kids could build all kinds of things and put them in the display cabinets when they were done.
Derek's creation.
Putting it in the display cabinet for everyone to look at.
Playing with the mini cars in the Lego Town.Derek and Daddy's race cars. Derek's beat Chris' every single time. It was a very fast race car!
This was only the duplo dump. The lego dump was HUGE!
In the middle of the convention center they had a map of the US and you could build a piece to go on the map.
Derek's "house"
Waiting to have it put on the map. He chose New Hampshire since Virginia was full.
And then there were the statues. These were truly awesome! There were more statues than what we took pictures of but the level of detail and scale was amazing to see.
It was a fun night out and we would definitely go again!

Megan this really looks COOL. I cannot imaging the time it takes to do each and everyone they had displayed. I bet Derek had a ball. GeeGee