Here is a project recap to bring you up to speed.
- Painted the walls, ceiling, and all the doors
- Stacked the dryer on top of the washer
- Moved the 220V outlet to accomodate the dryer on top
- Changed the light fixture to add more light in the room
- Set up the card table for temporary storage
So this past weekend we...
- Created a cover for the electrical panel (and create more wall space!)
- Created a command center with paper storage and our family calendar
- Upgraded the rug
This was quite the project. Chris built a frame for the electrical panel and then attached a board to the front to create a door (and more wall space!). He also added hinges and magnetic strips to keep it closed and a handle for access when it needs to be opened. He also primed and painted it the same color that is on the walls to help it blend in better.
I found the organizer at HomeGoods and knew it would be perfect for the laundry room. The boxes help with paper storage like church papers, keys, schedules, etc. I am reclaiming my counters! It is off center so that eventually we could be holder for pencils or add hooks for keys but I want to use it for a while before I completely decide where I want things (and give us a chance to recover).
Here is a better shot of just my command center.
Rugs in my laundry room are a necessity (think cold floor) but since this room gets so much foot traffic they have to be able to stand up to the challenge. This will be the 3rd rug in 5 years! The last rug was even an indoor/outdoor rug! We have looked at so many rugs but when we were browsing HomeGoods this weekend (man, I sound like a HomeGoods ad!) we found this beauty!
We still have cabinets, counters, and an IKEA trip in our future to finish this room but its coming along!

Looks awesome, guys!! What a great idea to cover the electrical box and make it functional :)