7 Habits of a Hot Marriage in the Middle of Monotony
I loved this article. We've been there, done that, and got the t-shirt. This was a refreshing reminder that marriage is hard work but the work is well worth it.
Frame or Picture?
Deanna blogs about life with three little kids, one of whom has special needs. She paints a beautiful word picture about how as motherhood is not about us. Each kid paints a vastly different picture with their life but as moms we get a front row seat.
Why I Quit Tithing Years Ago
Tithing is such a misunderstood topic these days. Recently a missionary spoke at church talking about giving by generation. Giving in our generation (Millennials) was described as one time giving if it moved the individual. This article talks about tithing as an attitude of surrender and act of worship.
Five Ways to Improve Congregational Singing
This is a wonderful article by Keith & Kristyn Getty. So much of how is service is evaluated focuses on the elements of the service that don't involve congregational singing. This offered sound advice on improving congregational singing and how the it should be a focus.

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