Here are the boys painting. We went with a slightly greyish toned color called Quill. I love it! Since the laundry room has no natural light it can be frustrating with yellowish tinted walls to tell if there really is a stain on a shirt or is it just a bad reflection. This is also as close as you get to a before picture since we are really bad about that.
Derek got to help paint and he was thrilled that he even got a little roller like Daddy's. He could care less that his spot to paint was behind the washer and dryer.
We then replace the light fixture to have 3 light bulbs which greatly increased the lighting. It is like a totally different room in there!
This is not what our laundry room looks like now. The sink unit turned out to be junk. Right after this picture we discovered that the cabinet was cheaply put together, structurally iffy, and was cracked in the back. So, we returned it. We are waiting for the kids to get better so we can take a road trip to IKEA for a cabinet.

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